Fixing Garden intends to create a new landscape and restore real space by repairing a vacant house and its external space.

The project began with research to collect "garden-like situations" from non-garden places, such as distinctive terrain by volcanic islands, artificial suburban environments, and tropical scenery. The research results (photographs, texts, and objects) are laid out in an imaginary land in 3DCG space as information accompanied by coordinates.

The intervention target of the project is a vacant farmhouse in Asahi-machi, Toyama Prefecture, where serious depopulation is progressing. This problem still needs to be solved in Japan. The fictional land in 3DCG, called "Proto-Garden," is in a quasi-homomorphic relationship with this target site. The Proto-Garden serves as an experimental ground where constantly introduced "garden-like situations" interact with the existing framework of vacant houses, waste materials, and surrounding environments. Abstract figures with their colors are adaptations of infrastructure, mountain ranges, hidden tourist attractions, geological information, and memories.

The Proto-Garden works as instructions for fixing the vacant house and the garden to reality, mainly focusing on reduction strategies, window design, zoning policies, setting walking routes, positioning and sizing external objects, and planting plans. This model will also reflect the garden created in real space, and its changes over time will be recorded. Due to this feedback loop, Proto-Garden becomes a fictional garden that grows and transitions like vegetation. Here, the boundary between the garden and architecture, i.e., window details, forms.

The ultimate goal of this project is to design and construct an actual architecture and landscape. Simultaneously, the continuously updated Proto-Garden becomes a significant outcome since this project is intended to be a new viewing experience based on the instantaneity of the actual and fictional garden.

記録の庭(Fixing Garden)は、庭の制作を通して、フィクショナルな風景の創造と実空間の回復を同時に試みるプロジェクト。





Project Details

Project Overview

Name Fixing Garden

Year 2022-

Material a vacant house, garden, video

Work Asako Fujikura + Takahiro Ohmura

Music ermhoi

Graphic design Hirotaka Honjo

Grant THE PROJECT TO SUPPORT EMERGING MEDIA ARTS CREATORS (Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan)


Impact Tracker

