Video artwork exhibited at the AI-themed exhibition "New Lies" (NITO)

This work utilizes an add-in that introduces AI visualization into 3DCG software. AI targets 3D models with ambiguous forms that can be interpreted in various ways depending on distance and angle; it renders based on prompts. The prompts, serving as instructions for rendering, consist of English texts obtained by translating diary entries into Japanese and recording everyday situations and conversations using machine translation.

The camera looks down on the model from the sky, then turns and approaches it, finally circling its interior. The AI interprets prompts given to each scene, collects images, applies them to the model, and generates images. The result is a sequence with contradictory characteristics, both fragmented yet continuous.

While reading the subtitles, viewers will lose the coherence of the sequence revolving around the model, and fragmented images evocative of sentences and phrases flow in the background. On the other hand, when recognizing the coherence of the model being rendered (i.e. when one perceives the images as a scene of a single sequence), the text's coherence is disrupted.

Text, akin to a diary rewritten through interaction with the medium, the AI. Model, the object represented by a mathematically defining. It is difficult to capture both simultaneously, and the quality of the video changes depending on which of the two systems is focused on. The depiction by AI portrays a world where two irreconcilable systems, text, and model, interfere with each other, collapsing yet continuing in continuity.






Project Overview

Name Trans-prompt

Date 15 SEP. 2023 - 9 OCT. 2023

Type video, sound, model

Work Asako Fujikura + Takahiro Ohmura

Exhibition Organizer NITO (MIKI Sentaro)


Fixing Garden


The Great Nine と第三物置【検証】